Articles of Incorporation - Credit Financing Company

__________________________ CREDIT & FINANCE CORPORATION
That we, all of whom are of legal age and residents of the Philippines, Filipinos, have on this day, voluntarily associated ourselves together for the purpose of forming a stock corporation under the laws of the Republic of the Philippines:
FIRST: That the name of the Corporation shall be __________________________ CREDIT & FINANCE CORPORATION.
SECOND: That the specific purposes for which said Corporation is formed are:
The purposes for which the corporation is organized is to engage in general financing business by extending credit facilities to consumers and to industrial, commercial, or agricultural enterprises, either by direct lending or by discounting, re-discounting or factoring commercial papers or accounts receivable, or by buying and selling contracts, leases, chattel mortgages, or other evidences of indebtedness, or by financial leasing of movable as well as immovable property, particularly as follows:
1. To undertake the acquisition and rental of all kinds of real and personal properties, and any and all kinds of accounts receivables, notes receivables, general agency, negotiable instruments, letters of credit, acceptances, drafts, bills of exchange and other evidences of indebtedness owned by any person, partnership, corporation or association under such terms and conditions as the corporation may deem fit, and to own, sell, rediscount, mortgage, assign or otherwise dispose of such properties, real or personal, accounts receivables, notes receivables, general agency, negotiable instruments, letters of credit, acceptances, drafts, bills of exchange, and other evidences of indebtedness.
2. To undertake the business of a commercial credit agency by the gathering, accumulation and evaluation and consolidation of credit, financial and other allied information and disseminating such information to clients or subscribers for a monetary fee.
3. To receive, purchase, own, sell, hold, assign, deposit, create trust with respect to, exchange, pledge, mortgage or otherwise dispose of, and generally deal in and with all or any of the following: all kinds of shares, stocks, voting trust certificates, bonds, mortgages, debentures, trusts receipts, notes, bills of exchange and other certificates, obligations, contracts, choses in action and evidences of indebtedness of any other corporation, partnership or association, persons or governmental, municipal or public authority, domestic or foreign, and to acquire, purchase, sell or otherwise dispose of its own shares of capital stock or any securities or other obligations of the corporation.
4. To extend credit facilities for home, building, and for agricultural, commercial and industrial development.
5. To act or serve as the credit and collection agency of individuals, firms or corporations.
6. To purchase, acquire, and take over all or any part of the rights, assets, business and property of any person, partnership, corporation or association, and to undertake and assume the liabilities and obligations of such persons, partnership, corporation or association whose rights, assets, business or property may be purchased, acquired or taken over.
7. To undertake, subject to such terms and conditions as the corporations may deem fit, the management and financing of the operation of the business, industry or enterprise of any person, partnership, corporation or association.
THIRD: That the place where the principal office of the corporation is to be established or located is at _____________, Philippines.
FOURTH: That the term for which the Corporation is to exist is _____________ (________) years from and after the date of issuance of the Certificate of Incorporation.
FIFTH: That the names, nationalities and residences of the incorporators are as follows:
Name Nationality Residence
SIXTH: That the number of directors of the Corporation shall be five (5) and that the names, nationalities and residence of the Directors of said Corporation who shall act as such until their successors are elected and have qualified as provided for in the by-laws are as follows:
Name Nationality Residence
SEVENTH: That the authorized capital stock of the Corporation is _____________ MILLION (P______,000.000.00) PESOS in lawful money of the Philippines, divided into __________________________ (_________) shares with the a par value of _____________ (P_________) PESOS per share.
EIGHT: That the authorized capital stock of the corporation has been fully subscribed representing the sum of _____________ MILLION (P________,000,000.00) PESOS, Philippine Currency, and at least twenty (25%) per cent of the total subscription has been paid as follows:
Name Nationality Subscription Amount Subscribed Amount Paid
NINTH: That _____________ has been elected by the subscribers as Treasurer of the corporation to act as such until his/her successor is duly elected and qualified in accordance with the by-laws; and that as such Treasurer, (he/she) has been authorized to receive for and in the name and for the benefit of the corporation, all subscriptions paid by the subscribers.
TENTH: That no transfer of stocks or interest therein which will reduce the ownership of Filipino citizens to less than the percentage of the capital stock required by law shall be allowed or permitted to be recorded in the Corporate Books and this restriction shall be indicated in the stock certificates issued by the corporation. That in addition, any stockholder or his heirs desiring to dispose of his shares must give the FIRST OPTION to this corporation to purchase the same at their net book value based upon the latest audited financial statements of this corporation. The FIRST OPTION shall be valid and exclusive for a period of THIRTY (30) days from receipt by the corporation of the formal written offer to sell from the shareholder. Upon the expiration of such THIRTY (30) days, if the corporation has not exercised its FIRST OPTION totally or partially, then the shareholder shall give the SECOND OPTION to fellow shareholders at the same price and conditions as offered to the corporation. This SECOND OPTION shall be valid and exclusive for a period of THIRTY (30) days from receipt by fellow shareholders of the notice of the expiration of the FIRST OPTION together with the formal written offer to sell from the vendor-shareholder. Should more than one fellow shareholder desire to exercise this SECOND OPTION, the number of shares for sale shall be apportioned to them in proportion to their existing shareholdings. Upon the expiration of the SECOND OPTION and the second thirty-day period, if none of the shareholders have exercised their SECOND OPTION totally or partially, then the vendor-shareholder shall be free to sell the shares to third persons at a price not lower and under terms and conditions not more favorable than that offered in the FIRST and SECOND OPTIONS. Any sale or transfer, directly or indirectly in violation of the above conditions and restrictions shall be null and void and shall not be registered in the books of the corporation; Provided, however, that any transfer of shares by a shareholder to his heir either by sale, donation, estate or intestate succession, or otherwise, shall be EXEMPTED from the afore-mentioned restrictions. The foregoing restrictions must appear at the back of all stock certificate of the corporation.
ELEVENTH: That the corporation manifests its willingness to change its corporate name in the event another person, firm or entity has acquired a prior right to use the said firm name or one deceptively or confusingly similar to it.
IN WITNESS WHEREOF, we have hereunto affixed our signatures this _____________, at the City of _____________, Philippines.
__________________ __________________